Blogs. Here we go. My personal online journal. Late night exertion of energy before I crash. I feel like this might be a very random first blog. But it's late, and I have a lot on my mind. Hopefully this will one day become more professional... but for now we'll leave it at this. My goal is that this one day becomes interesting enough for you to desire following, becoming a fan or a friend of me or whatever is necessary for subscribing to this. I'll work on my writing skills, and then that might happen. Short and sweet. That's the goal here. And of course unbelievably interesting.
I've noticed an increase in my admiration of song lyrics. They're so great. And it takes a lot of work to come up with good ones. I used to think that was the easy part... Now I'm thinking about reconsidering... some of my favs don't even make sense. It's cuz they're deeper than that. One of my favorite songs--lyrics-wise--is probably by Hillsong. They're inspirational! I don't know how to post links yet... but one day they'll show up on here. The song From the Inside Out is amazing. It is pure worship--my fav. And all the words are intended purely for worship. Another one that I absolutely love to sing is None But Jesus. It rings so true in me and I try to live my lift with the song in mind... lyrics are as follows:
In the quiet, in the stillness I know that You are God
In the secret of Your presence I know, there I am restored
When You call I won't refuse, each new day again I'll choose
There is no one else for me, none but Jesus.
Crucified to set me free, now I live to bring Him praise
In the chaos, in confusion I know You're sovereign still
In the moment of my weakness You give me grace to do Your will
When You call I won't delay. This my song through all my days
There is no one else for me, none but Jesus.
Crucified to set me free, now I live to bring Him praise
I am Yours and You are mine...
All my delight is in You, Lord
All of my hope, all of my strength
All my delight is in You, Lord
Okay, so it's established that Christian lyrics are phenomenal; then why is it that the other half of the best lyrics ever send such awful messages? Sex, violence, drugs, violence, and lots of sex. Why do people, including myself, crave this? Lyrics that are vulgar can just as easily put things in our heads and hearts that are completely unneccessary. I would love it if we could just check ourselves... search deeper and discover what it is about songs like Hotel Room Service, Birthday Sex, and Who Says I Can't Get Stoned that interest us, and how we can alter our minds so that we don't need to fall into listening to these and letting the lyrics infiltrate our minds and hearts?
As I sit here typing I am listening to something so catchy and fun that it makes sense that I listen to it, except for the lyric factor. Is there music that is just as catchy that I can listen to that doesn't have such an inappropriate message? Or am I stuck listening to the music I like with the lyrics I hate?