Wednesday, March 28, 2012


In James 5, it says that the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.  I just finished Nehemiah That man's prayers are very effective. He is in fact, a righteous man who we should learn from. What makes his infamous prayer in chapter one so convicting, and so inspirational? What can we learn from it and apply from it to our own prayers?

What do people pray for God doesn't need us to do what He wants on earth. I think prayer is more than that. When you pray, God is refining YOU. and me. Prayer does not accomplish the external, prayer is for the internal. God uses our prayers to purge us of our grime and dirt and replace us with clean, pure hearts.

So then, our prayers are important. How we pray, when we pray, and what we pray for all reveal who we are. Here's what Nehemiah's prayer means to me:

He is direct. He prays for God to remember him multiple times. Also, his prayer follows a specific pattern. It begins with praise. That is followed by repentance. Then comes asking. Finally, Nehemiah yielded.

God will reveal things through prayer. Try spending more than two minutes in prayer one day. Push it. Double it, triple it. Try something new. I will too.

Much love,