Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My Commanding Personality

Wait, I don't have one of those.

Hello again, this is Vanessa, your blogging friend. Let's be real. I'm not commanding.

So, why the title? I don't want to be an overly-commanding coworker, friend, or family member. Yes, there is a need for that sometimes, but nobody likes a know-it-all. There is a part of me that needs to take control though, that is I want to command my day. I want to use the power of words to speak positivity, energy, and the Spirit of the almighty God into my day. Why? Because I can. And so can you. Words have power.

Today I want to go talk about ways I plan to do this.

First, attitude really is everything. A study from the Mayo Clinic came up with incredible results. A positive-thinking person is more likely to have a longer life, elevated moods, lower stress level, a better immune system, and a stronger sense of well-being and ability to cope during traumatic or stressful events. The bottom line here: cheer up!

Next, guard your heart. "Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." Luke 6:45. If you want to have power over words, you must take control of your thoughts. This takes practice and intentionality. The bottom line here: use discretion.

If you guard your heart, you will have a much easier time watching what you say. This is the next piece of advise I would offer. 

This post has been surprisingly difficult to write, and I think it's because this is something that is hard to put into practice. It's easy to wake up on the good mornings and praise God for the sun and the free time and the money.

But life isn't always that way. Today for example: it's raining, I'm broke (I even have a broken car at the moment), and people let me down. So here I am, saying that when I woke up this morning, the first thing I did was not praise God. But when I wake up and do, it is ENORMOUSLY easier to see the blessing, or the light through the trees.

But one thing I can rest on, God is so faithful, I know He is with me always, and I know He is with you.

Much love,

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