Sunday, June 12, 2011

I'm Sure

The Orchid of the Holy Spirit
Okay, in 2 Corinthians chapter three, Paul spends the first eleven verses telling the Corinthians that he knows that the Lord has called him, chosen him really, to be doing exactly what he is doing. He doesn't need to be assured of it from friends or family. Paul says, "our competence comes from God" in 2 Cor 3:5. The Holy Spirit is all we have to confirm and sustain ourselves as Christians.

The two terms Paul uses in relation to standing firm in what the Lord has called us to are letter and Spirit  By letter, Paul is referring to the Law, aka the words in the Bible. In the book of Romans, Paul talks about the letter's old age. When he says Spirit, it appears as though he is referring to the Gospel Spirit, aka the Holy Spirit that enters a Christian's heart after they realize and then open the need they have for Jesus in order to live eternally in heaven. The Holy Spirit is the life-giving power of God that is often confused with a conscience.

One of the beautiful things about following Christ is that we are never alone. Prayer is a powerful thing, and when we pray we open up a place where we can be taught and molded to be more like Christ. We can be absolutely sure that the Lord has a part in our lives if we are submitting ourselves in prayer and being vulnerable to obeying what the Bible says. I want nothing more than to be completely in line with His will for my life, it is what brings God glory and makes the ministry of salvation so powerful.

Much love,

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